Therapy with Teens - $130 per hour

Adolescence is a time of great change - not only the changes we can see in a teen’s growth, but also in their brains. I enjoy understanding the neurological underpinnings of developmental change. I have experience with working with adolescents with a variety of presenting issues, and specific training in trauma-focused treatment with teens. I work with teens ages 12 and up.

The therapeutic alliance is important when working with any person, and especially with adolescents. During our intake appointment, I will speak with both the parent(s) and teen to gather background and history information. Thereafter, I ask parents to agree to privacy for their teen’s sessions. I will ask the teen’s permission to share information from sessions with their parent(s). The exception to privacy would be in situations involving harmful behavior to self or others. It is also important to note that in Oregon, adolescents age 14 and up are able to receive mental health treatment without parental consent:

If your teen is interested in beginning therapy, please call or email me for a phone consultation and to schedule an initial appointment. I take Regence, Moda, and OHP insurance plans.